Do you know red raspberry leaf tea herb taken as a tea in the last trimester has been shown to increasing the strength of uterus facilitating an easier and shorter birth? It reduces complications, decreases both pre and post term births and has been shown to reduced incidences of artificial rupture of the membranes and make the use of caesarean forceps or vacuum births less likely (Mills et al, 2006; Palmer, 2000; Parsons et al, 1999). Red raspberry leaf tea also has been scientifically proven to reduce the need for neonatal resuscitation (Rakel, 2012). These are pretty amazing findings for a simple herb grown all around the country that can be easily harvested and turned into a simple tea!
Red raspberry leaf herb contains many benign and nutritive constituents such as carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Many view this herb to be more of a food or nutritive tea that can provide additional sources of nutrition during pregnancy. Moderate amounts are known to be safe and considered reasonable for use in pregnancy (Parsons et al, 1999). Red raspberry leaves contain tannins which as as an astringent to reduce hemorrhage and also has a toning effects on the uterus to ease labour pains (Hoffman, 2003).The leaves contain accessible iron to prevent anemia, as well as vitamins A,C, B, E, manganese and magnesium (Campion, 1996; Godfrey, 2010). Magnesium in particular strengthens of the uterine muscles while preventing excessive cramping (Hoffman, 2003). Drinking 1-2 cups of tea per day during your second and third trimester is a great safe tonic and is very health promoting.
Motherisk out of the Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto is an excellent source for information on the safety of drugs and natural health products in pregnancy. Contact them by phone at 1-877-439-2744 or visit their website www.motherisk.org
Campion K. (1996) Holistic Herbs for mother and baby. Bloomsbury Publishing: London.
Godfrey, Anthony. Principles & Practices Of Naturopathic Botanical Medicine. Toronto, Ont.: CCNM Press, 2010. Print.
Godfrey, Anthony and Paul Richard Saunders. Principles & Practices Of Naturopathic Botanical Medicine. Toronto: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Press, 2010. Print.
Hoffmann, David. Medical Herbalism. Rochester, Vt.: Healing Arts Press, 2003. Print.
Mills E, Duguoa J-J, Perri D, Koren G. (2006) Herbal medicines in pregnancy and lactation–an evidence-based approach. Taylor Francis.
Palmer J. (2000) Raspberry leaf. See: www.pregnancy. com.au/raspberry_leaf.htm (accessed 22 May 2016).
Parsons M, Simpson M, Ponton T. (1999) Raspberry leaf and its effect on about; safety and efficacy. Aust Coll Midwives Inc J 12:20-5.
Rakel, David (2012). Integrative Medicine. Print.