You will be amazed at how much better you will feel once you start consuming green veggies several servings a day. While you can get pretty creative making colorful salads when you are crunched for time a green smoothie is definitely the answer.
Making green smoothies is an art and takes some time to create a flavor you actually enjoy. I promise once you master your recipe and see the amazing results they will be tolerable possibly even enjoyable. Some things I notice while regularly consuming enough veggies is more energy, glowing skin, faster hair growth, improved sleep and more regular bowels.
Ingredients to experiment with:
Greens – Kale, Spinach, lettuces: high in carotenoids to preserve vision, lowers cholesterol, fiber to make you feel full, prevents against cancer and stroke.
Compared to individuals with the lowest intake the group of individuals with high intake had approximately 50% reduction in ALL causes of death ,and approx 50% reduction in death from CVD.
Celery – anti-inflammatory, contains antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids, high fiber, low calories, and high fiber.
Cucumber – is in the same botanical family as honeydew melon, cantaloupe and watermelon- Who Knew right? Cucumber has a high water content to keep you hydrated, is low in calories, and
provides vitamin K to support bone health. Keep in mind cucumber is on the “dirty dozen” list meaning it is highly sprayed with pesticides and waxes so buy local organic if possible
Spirulina – a cyanobacteria that contains the photosynthetic pigments that give Flamingos their pink colour. Flamingos are not the only species that can benefit from this blue-green superfood! Spirulina contains amino acids, protein, iron, b-vitamins, and is an amazing source of antioxidants. Spirulina has a high B-12 content which can give you an energy and immune boost. Another bonus is it is high in Chlorophyll which is a potent detoxifier and blood cleanser.
Matcha – boots metabolism to fight off stubborn body fat, enhances energy and has anti-cancer properties. Matcha green tea is packed with antioxidants, detoxifies, and is rich in fiber, chlorophyll and vitamins. . Matcha is rich in L-Theanine, a rare amino acid that facilitates well-being and enhances memory and learning by acting upon the brain’s functioning. Consuming L-theanine promotes alpha-wave activity leaving your in a state of relaxed alertness. . Matcha has been shown to lower cholesterol, improve blood sugar and prevent disease.
Collagen – is a key ingredient to repair and restore your body. Collagen has a unique amino acid profile and is a source of protein. Collagen is great for joint health, hair & skin, hormone balancing and digestion. See more reasons to consume this superfood in my Bone Broth Post. (link?)
Coconut water – or “natures health drink” is the ultimate natural electrolyte replacement drink. Not only that but it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Coconut water contains cytokinin, which has been gaining attention due to it’s potential anti-cancer activity.
Berries – are anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants and fiber. They also taste great so they mask the taste of some of the face and can help curb sugar cravings.
- 1-2 handfuls of Greens
- ¼ Cucumber
- 1-2 stalks Celery
- 2 tbsp Collagen
- 1 tsp Spirulina
- 1 tsp Matcha
- 1 tsp vanilla
- ¾ berries
- 1-3 cups liquid (Coconut Water, Almond milk)
- I make my smoothies in a large blender so quantities might need to be adjusted if you have a smaller size blender. If you don’t have all the ingredients, that’s okay just experiment. If you want additional protein in your smoothie consider adding a protein powder or almond/peanut butter.
- Blend ingredients until smooth. If smoothie is too thick add additional liquid.
- Drink right away! The texture takes on some unique face turning features if it is left too long on the counter. If this happens I would quick reblend it.
Voller, Jiří et al. “Anticancer Activity Of Natural Cytokinins: A Structure–Activity Relationship Study”. Phytochemistry 71.11-12 (2010): 1350-1359. Web.
Greenberg, E. R. “Mortality Associated With Low Plasma Concentration Of Beta Carotene And The Effect Of Oral Supplementation”. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 275.9 (1996): 699-703. Web.
Buchner, F. L. et al. “Abstract B103: Quantity And Variety Of Vegetable And Fruit Consumption And The Risk Of Bladder Cancer In The European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer And Nutrition (EPIC)”. Cancer Prevention Research 3.1 Supplement (2010): B103-B103. Web.
Johnsen, Søren P. “Intake Of Fruit And Vegetables And Risk Of Stroke: An Overview”. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 7.6 (2004): 665-670. Web.