#1 – Focus on Gut Health!
Beneficial flora metabolize and recycle hormones, including estrogen, thyroid hormones, and phytoestrogens from food sources, which can help offset symptoms of menopause, PMS, and perimenopause. In this way, they help to maintain proper hormone balance and may protect bone and breast health as well. Proper gut flora is also important for daily bowel movements. If you are not pooping daily, this is NOT normal. Speak to your practitioner about incorporating a high quality probiotic like Tummy Tone or Probiomed 50 .
#2 – Remove Refined Carbohydrates
Remove refined carbohydrates and replace 50% or more with high-fIbre veggIes instead. A diet high of refined carbohydrates will spike insulin levels and promote insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can lead to issues maintaining a healthy body composition, low energy, food cravings, and type 2 diabetes.
Instead, add in high fibre veggies (and not just salads) like cooked broccoli, Brussel sprouts and cauliflower which are rich in indole-3- carbinol that helps to remove foreign estrogens.
#3 – Consume Good Fats
Supplement with the right kind of fats! Omega 3 fats are incredible for their anti inflammatory effects. Sources are fatty fish like salmon. Avoid inflammatory oils like vegetable oils and instead use olive oil, nuts/seeds, or avocado as fat sources. I also recommend avoiding cooking/heating oil when possible. Read more about the reason to avoid heating oils here.
#4 – Get Your Vitamin D Tested
Testing your vitamin D levels, via blood work, is important to determine your dose of vitamin D. Taking too little may not be impactful but taking too much can be harmful. Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory effects and needed in cases of fibroids, endometriosis and PCOS. Vitamin D deficiency can impact your bone health, immune system, and is also associated with obesity/weight loss resistance.
#5 – Go To Sleep
Go to bed no later than 10 pm. If you are struggling with sleep, you need to determine why. Without sleep, balancing your hormones will be challenging since a lack of good quality sleep will impact your cortisol levels (stress hormone).
Issues with cortisol can show up as fatigue, anxiety, PMS weight gain around the midsection, just to name a few. High cortisol will eventually compete with your sex hormones, mainly progesterone, causing issues with your cycle.
To enrich your night time routine try 1-2 cups of epson salts in a bath. Other sleep hygiene tips include: using lavender essential oil, keep your room dark and cool, using a gratitude journal like the 5 Minute Journal, avoiding electronics at least 1 hour before bed, stop eating 3 hours before you intend to go to sleep. If these sleep hygiene strategies are not working for you testing your hormones and nutrient levels may be your next best step.
Hormones 101
Your hormones do not need to rule your life! Having a full health assessment, running the appropriate test, and finding out what key supplements, nutrition and lifestyle routines are right for you, can make a significant difference in how you feel and your ability to navigate hormonal transitions.
Being a woman does not have to be one painful, dreadful biological phase after another. Transitions can be a challenging time, but with support, you can ease those symptoms. By giving your body the support it needs, instead of fighting against the changes you’re experiencing, you can feel well again.
At the Wild Side Wellness, we are here to help!